The Philippine Payment Service (PPS), which allows payment by cash at any Union Bank branch for USANA purchases, will be available from Monday, February 2, 2009. This additional payment option will help those who choose not to use a credit card for their online transactions.
To facilitate pre-enrolled prospective Distributors who have been waiting for the PPS to finalize their enrollment, we have extended the deadline for doing so by two weeks - to Saturday, February 14, 2009.
Pre-enrolled prospective Distributors using the PPS to finalize their USANA applications should make their payment to a Union Bank branch at least two days before the deadline, so that USANA can receive the confirmation of their payment on time.
While the deadline for pre-enrolled prospective Distributors to complete their application and purchase a Starter Kit has been extended, the original deadline for pre-enrolled prospective Distributors to activate three Business Centers and to qualify as a PaceSetter or a Platinum PaceSetter will remain unchanged–on Friday, March 13, 2009.
On Preferred Customers
1) What is the difference between a Distributor and a Preferred Customer (PC)?
A Distributor participates in USANA’s compensation plan by purchasing products for resale and personal consumption, earning commissions and bonuses for selling USANA products. A Preferred Customer is an end consumer of USANA products. The PC cannot sell USANA products and does not earn any money through the USANA compensation plan. Both the Distributor and the PC can buy products at wholesale prices, or Autoship prices see Q4).
2) How much does it cost to become a USANA Preferred Customer?
There is no cost to become a Preferred Customer. Just fill up the “Preferred Customer Order Form”, which you can get from the Distributor who introduces you to the USANA products (USANA calls this person your “sponsor”), or from the USANA office in Makati. The first time you purchase from USANA, you will receive a USANA Preferred Customer Identification Number, which you can use to make future purchases directly from USANA.
3) Do I need to buy a Starter Kit to become a Preferred Customer?
No. A Preferred Customer does not need to buy a Starter Kit (or Business Development System), and there are no annual renewal fees to pay.
4) Can Preferred Customers sign up for Autoship? If so, can they buy USANA products at Autoship prices?
Yes. Preferred Customers enjoy Autoship prices under the same rules as Distributors. To do so, fill up the “Autoship” section of the Preferred Customer Form or sign up online.
5) Why do you ask for my Credit Card details?
To take part in USANA’s Autoship program, which entitles you to a 10% discount on your purchases, USANA needs to be able to charge you for your purchases automatically every four or eight weeks. (See FAQ section on Autoship for more details.)
6) Can non-residents of the Philippines become Preferred Customers?
Yes, but USANA will not ship to an address outside the Philippines.
7) Do I need identification papers to become a Preferred Customer?
No. You do not need to submit identification documents to become a Preferred Customer.
8) Do I have to come to your Makati office personally to register?
You can. Or you can have your sponsor register you as a Preferred Customer online.
9) Can a Preferred Customer ask his sponsor, or a friend, to purchase products for him subsequently?
Yes, with proper authorization.
10) If I have previously registered as a Preferred Customer under one sponsor, can I later become a Preferred Customer (or a Distributor) under a different sponsor?
Yes. You should cancel your first Preferred Customer status, and then re-enroll under the new sponsor - either as a Preferred Customer or as a Distributor.
11) Why would a Distributor sponsor Preferred Customers?
Distributors often choose not to make a profit when selling to a close friend. So instead of retailing, a Distributor can register his or her friends as Preferred Customers instead. This way, these friends know they are getting the best prices possible for the products, and the Distributor does not need to deliver products every time or worry about the hassle of stocking an inventory of USANA products. The Distributor benefits because purchases made by the Preferred Customers he sponsored count towards his or her Group Sales Volume.
On Becoming New Distributors
1) How do I become a USANA Distributor in the Philippines?
You can fill up the “USANA Philippines Distributor Application” form, sign it, initial the back page, and send it to USANA’S Makati office. Alternatively, you can get your sponsor to help you enroll online (see Q5).
2) I do not have a Tax Identification Number. Can I become a USANA Distributor?
USANA requires the Tax Identification Number from all applicants who wish to become a Distributor. If you do not have a Tax Identification Number, you should obtain one before enrolling as a Distributor.
3) Why does USANA not accept other forms of identification, like a Driver's License number, or a Social Security number?
USANA is required by law to withhold income tax on commissions, so all Philippine Distributors must have a Tax Identification Number for this purpose. Since accepting different forms of identification can make it impractical to verify that each person is submitting a unique Distributor application, USANA uses the Tax Identification Number as the only acceptable proof of identity.
4) What is the difference between a USANA Distributor and a USANA Associate?
In some markets, Distributors and Associates are treated differently because of tax implication. However, the two terms can be used interchangeably in the Philippines.
5) How can I enroll online?
Your sponsor will help you enroll online by logging into his or her USANA website. You can order your Starter Kit and any initial product over the internet, and you can sign the Distributorship Agreement digitally online.
6) How much do I have to pay in enrollment fee, or joining fee?
There is no fee to enroll in USANA. All you need is to purchase a Business Development System (BDS; or sometimes called the Starter Kit) for Php 990.
7) Can I opt for an electronic version of the Starter Kit?
No. The e-BDS is not available in the Philippines.
8) Can my spouse hold a separate USANA Distributorship?
Spouses can hold separate Distributorships if one is downline of the other; and each of them operates a bona fide independent USANA business. Otherwise, they can only register as co-applicants in the same Distributorship.
9) Can I hold a personal USANA Distributorship, and still register a company to hold a separate USANA distributorship?
No. If you are a Distributor under your personal name, a company / business with you as a sole proprietor, partner or main director cannot hold another distributorship.
10) Must my co-applicant be a member of my family?
No, your co-applicant can be any eligible person who you want to work with to build your USANA business.
On Activating Business Centers
1) Can I activate my Business Center(s) at the same time I enroll?
Yes, most Distributors do. You produce 150 Sales Volume Points to activate 1 Business Center, or 450 Sales Volume Points to activate 3 Business Centers. The USANA Philippine Price List shows you the number of Sales Volume Points for every product. Sales tools like the Health and Freedom Newspaper do not carry Sales Volume Points.
2) Can I enroll as a Distributor now, but activate my Business Center later?
Yes. USANA does not set a time limit to activate your Business Center. You may activate your Business Center several weeks or months after you have become a Distributor. To activate 3 Business Centers, however, you must produce 450 Sales Volume Points within six Fridays from the day you enroll, or else you lose your second and third Business Centers. But remember that a Business Center does not earn commission until it is activated.
3) I want to activate 3 Business Centers. Why does my sponsor say it is better to have the 450 Sales Volume Points all in my first order?
By doing so, USANA allocates 150 points to your 001 Business Center, 150 points to your 002 Business Center, and 150 SV points to your 003 Business Center. In this way, you start off with Sales Volume Points on the left and right sides of your 001 Business Center - points which are commissionable. If you accumulate the 450 Sales Volume Points over several purchases, they will all go into your 001 Business Center as Personal Sales Volume (PSV), for which you do not earn commission.
4) Am I entitled to Autoship prices for my (first) purchase that activates my Business Center(s)?
Yes, if you sign on for AutoShip during enrollment. If you choose not to enroll in Autoship, then you will be charged wholesale prices.
5) What is a 3-BC Pack?
It is a set of pre-determined USANA products for the convenience of new Distributors who want to activate three Business Centers. The pack usually comes with a great discount, as well as free Downline Management access. Check the Price List to see the content of the 3-BC pack(s) available.
6) Can I activate my Business Centers with products of my choice?
Yes, you can choose any combination of products you like to make up the 150 Sales Volume Points (for 1-BC) or 450 Sales Volume Points (for 3-BCs).
7) Does the 3-BC Pack entitle a sponsor to earn a “Fast Start” bonus?
No. Unlike some markets, USANA Philippines does not award the sponsor a “Fast Start” bonus when the person he or she sponsors purchases a 3-BC Pack.
8) Does the 3-BC Pack come with event registration and other sales tools?
On Enrolling Non-Philippine Citizens
1) Can non-Philippine citizens enroll as distributors in the Philippines?
Yes, non-Philippine citizens who are resident in the Philippines can do so.
2) What documents do you require for such registrations?
An applicant will need to have a permanent address, a personal bank account and a Tax Identification Number in the Philippines, as proof of your identity, as well as proof of your legal permission to work and earn an income in the Philippines.
3) Can I actively prospect and sponsor friends in Thailand, Indonesia, etc. as Distributors?
No. USANA does not allow you to build a business in a market before it is officially open All sponsorship activities can only start when USANA makes an official announcement that a country is open.
4) Can I retail USANA products in foreign countries like Thailand and Indonesia?
No. products made for the Philippines may not be approved for sale in these countries, and their formulations and labels may not comply with the local regulations. USANA products you bring to foreign countries may be confiscated by local authorities.
On Transferring a Foreign Distributorship to the Philippines
1) Can any Distributor transfer his or her Distributorship from another country to the Philippines?
Yes, if you are now a long-term resident of the Philippines; and your existing USANA Distributorship is in good standing. [Note: We do not allow such a transfer during the first six months of launching USANA Philippines.]
2) Why should I transfer my USANA distributorship to the Philippines?
You receive your commission in the Philippines, and participate in all local promotional and recognition activities. If you plan to reside and develop your business primarily in the Philippines, you should transfer your distributorship here.
3) What do I do to transfer my distributorship? (a) Fill in the Change from Foreign Address section of the “Change to Distributor Account” form.
All forms can be downloaded from the website, and a transfer fee applies.
(b) Attach a completed “USANA Philippine Distributor Application” form signed by both main and co-applicants. Your must provide your local address, and a Philippine bank account in your name.
(c) You may also wish to transfer your Autoship to the Philippines. If so, make sure that you have a payment method accepted in the Philippines. (See Q6)
4) Why does USANA charge a transfer fee?
To discourage distributors who (a) transfer their distributorship from one country to another to take advantage of currency exchange fluctuations;
(b) start sponsoring in a country before USANA declares it open.
5) Do I still need to buy a Philippine Starter Kit (or Business Development System) after transferring my distributorship?
Yes. Since you are a Philippine Distributor, you will need the local BDS to understand the products, policies and procedures of USANA Philippines.
6) What happens to my Autoship arrangement? Will it be automatically transferred along with my distributorship to the Philippines?
No. To move your Autoship to the Philippines, you will need to cancel the Autoship in your original country, and set up a new Autoship in the Philippines. Be aware that Sales Volume points for the same products in your original country can be different in the Philippines, so a 100-point order in your original country may translate to more or fewer than 100 points if the same products are ordered in the Philippines. Also, you may need a new payment method for your Philippine Autoship.
7) If I am only building my USANA business in the Philippines for six months, can maintain my distributorship in, say Hong Kong, and just change my AutoShip to the Philippines?
Yes. You sign up for AutoShip here, and cancel your Hong Kong Autoship during the few months that you are based in the Philippines.
8) My one-year distributorship in Australia expires in April. If I transfer my distributorship to the Philippines in March, how will it affect the annual renewal of my Distributorship?
The transfer does not affect the timing of renewal. USANA will deduct Php 940 and renew your distributorship for you in the Philippines in April if you had authorized the company to do so.
On Transferring or Assigning Distributorship to Another Person
1) Can I transfer my distributorship to another person?
Yes, subject to the conditions in USANA’s Policy and Procedures. A transfer fee will apply. The beneficiary will also need to purchase a Business Development System (Starter Kit) for Php 990.
2) Can I transfer just some of my Business Centers to another person, and keep the other Business Centers to myself?
No. Once you transfer, all Business Centers will go to the beneficiary of the transfer.
3) How do I go about transferring my Distributorship to my friend?
Write a letter to USANA to request for the transfer. Attach the “Transfer of Distributorship” form, signed by you, your sponsor and the beneficiary.
4) Can I transfer or assign my Distributorship to another USANA distributor, or an ex-distributor?
No, not even if the beneficiary has been inactive in USANA for more than a year.
5) If I have one Business Center activated at the time of transfer, does my beneficiary have a choice to “upgrade” the Distributorship to three Business Centers upon the transfer?
Yes, if he or she requests for, and activates, the other two Business Centers at the point of transfer. To do so, he or she will have to produce 450 points in sales volume at the time of transfer.
On USANA’s Compensation Plan
1) Has USANA’s compensation plan been approved by the Philippine government?
The Philippine government does not formally license Direct Selling companies, nor approve their compensation plans. Nevertheless, USANA’s compensation plan adheres to all local laws in protecting its customers and Distributors.
2) Does USANA offer the same compensation plan in the Philippines that it offers in other parts of the world?
The compensation plan in the Philippines follows that in the United States and most other countries in which USANA operates.
3) Are Philippine Distributors entitled to the new Matching Bonus and Elite Bonus that were introduced in August 2008?
4) As a Philippine Distributor, can I sponsor Distributors and Preferred Customers in other countries where USANA is open, like Malaysia and Hong Kong?
Yes. The Sales Volume Points they and their organization produce will become part of your downline volume. This is an advantage of USANA’s global seamless compensation plan.
On Ordering Products
1) How can I place an order with USANA in the Philippines?
You can come personally to USANA’s Makati office, fax or mail in your order, or better still -place your order online, because you can get a special Php 100 discount if you place an order online, subject to conditions.
2) Will the products be delivered to my home?
You can decide whether to collect the products from USANA’s Makati office personally, or have them delivered to your home or office for a fee. (See Q5).
3) Does USANA have other Sales Centers or stocking points outside of your Makati office, from where I can purchase products?
No, USANA will send your orders to your designated address if you live too far to pick them up personally from USANA’s Makati office.
4) How can I place an online order? And how do I pay for it?
Go to and log in using your Distributor ID and password. Click on the Shop@USANA link at the top of the page. USANA will charge your order using the payment instruction you indicated in your Application, e.g., VISA, MasterCard, or the Philippine Payment Service (PPS).
5) How much do you charge for home delivery?
You pay 3% of the value of your order or Php 250 (VAT inclusive), whichever is higher, for delivery anywhere in the Philippines. Shipping is free if your order is Php 30,000 or more.
6) My brother and I are both distributors. If we place our individual orders at the same time, can we have them delivered together for a one-time shipping and handling charge?
No. Each order attracts its own shipping and handling fee.
7) How long after I place an order will I receive my home-delivery products?
If the delivery address is in Metro Manila, you should receive your products between 24 and 36 hours after you place an order; but it may take up to four business days for delivery to reach destinations in Mindanao and Visayas.
Please take into account additional delays if you are paying by PPS (one or two business days) or checks (up to three business days), because shipment will only be made after USANA receives confirmation of your payment from the bank.
8) What happens if I am not at home to receive my products?
The delivery company (DHL) will make two attempts to deliver. If both fail, you will have to arrange to collect your products from its local office.
9) Can I order products for a friend and have USANA deliver it directly to her?
Yes, if your friend lives in the Philippines. If your friend lives in another country where USANA operates, you will have to order products from that local USANA office, and pay any shipping charges they impose. USANA Philippines cannot deliver products outside the Philippines.
10) Why does USANA’s online system / customer service representative stop me from placing a big order of products?
USANA restricts Distributors to orders of not more than Php 35,000 a month. This limits Distributors from purchasing unreasonable quantities of products for the sole purpose of advancing in rank, or qualifying for commissions and bonuses. To place an order exceeding Php 35,000, you will have to justify the amount you wish to purchase to one of the USANA managers in charge.
On Accepted Payment Methods
1) What payment methods does USANA accept?
The method of payment you choose will determine when the products will be available for pick up or delivery, and when you will receive the volume points for the order.
2) Can I pay by other credit cards or charge cards like American Express or Diners Club?
3) Why does USANA not accept personal checks from a bank other than the Union Bank?
Because of a special arrangement, USANA is able to clear personal checks drawn on the Union Bank by the third business day, allowing it to process an order and release the products efficiently. Checks from other banks may take up to seven business days to clear, making it difficult for both USANA and you.
4) What is the Philippine Payment Service (PPS), and how does it work?
This is a special arrangement that USANA has made with the Union Bank of the Philippines, so that you can deposit money into USANA’s account from any of Union Bank’s branches throughout the country. After you have placed an order online, or have created an Autoship order, USANA will provide you the details (e.g., total order amount, order reference numbers, etc.) so that you can make the payment at a convenient branch of the bank. You do so by filling up a Union Bank "BILLS PAYMENT SLIP", writing "BA - UHS" as the company you are paying to, and remembering to include the Reference Number that USANA has provided you. Pay the full amount of your order to the Teller in cash. The bank will then transfer the money to USANA, usually by the next working day.
How Do I Fill in a Union Bank Bills Payment Slip (version 1)
How Do I Fill in a Union Bank Bills Payment Slip (version 2)
5) Do I have to open a bank account with the Union Bank in order to pay USANA by the Philippine Payment Service?
Not at all – as long as you pay the amount in cash to the teller, Union Bank will help you transfer the money to USANA. Union Bank account holders have the additional advantage of using the debit-to-account feature, so they do not have to physically bring cash to the teller.
6) Will I have to pay a fee for using the Philippine Payment Service?
No. Union Bank will charge USANA for this service, making it free of charge to all Distributors.
7) How will I receive the PPS details to make payment at my local Union Bank branch?
Alternatively, you can call USANA’s Distributor Service for the details anytime after an order is generated.
8) How long after I received the PPS details must I pay at my local Union Bank branch?
Please pay as soon as you can, because it will take at least one business day for USANA to receive confirmation of your payment, and the sales volume for your order will not be posted until your payment is confirmed. If, for example, you received a PPS notification for your Autoship order on Monday, but waited until late Thursday afternoon to pay at the Union Bank, the sales volume may be posted too late to meet the Friday cut-off for the current commission week. (See Q 8)
9) How long after I make a payment will my products be ready for collection or shipment?
Your order will be processed and products made available for collection or shipment when USANA has received confirmation of your payment.
10) Will the method of payment I choose to use affect the date my commissionable sales volume is posted?
Yes. As with shipping products, USANA will only post sales volume upon confirmation of payment. So, the (one-business-day / three-business-day) delay for product shipment above also applies to the posting of your sales volume points.
Therefore, if you are paying for your online order or Autoship order by PPS, it is advisable to make your payment to the Union Bank by Wednesday of a week, to be sure that the payment confirmation reaches USANA by Friday. This way, the volume points for the order will be reflected in the current week. If you make your payment on Friday, the confirmation from Union Bank will not reach USANA until the following Monday, and the volume points for that order will go into the following commission week. [Note: PPS payment made at the Union Bank on Thursdays will be subjected to a cut-off time for data transfer determined by the Bank, and may or may not make it to USANA on Friday.]
Similarly, if you are paying with a personal check or a cashier’s check at the USANA office, USANA must receive your check on a Monday in order to make it in time for the sales volume to be posted in the same week, because of the three-business-day delay.
**You will need to make your payment even earlier if there is a public holiday during the week.
11) I do not have a credit card. Can I use my sponsor’s, or my father’s, credit card with consent to pay for my BDS, my first order and subsequent Autoships?
Yes, but the cardholder must provide USANA with a written notice of approval. A form for this purpose is available online.
On Autoship
1) What is Autoship? Is it mandatory?
This is a standing instruction you give USANA, agreeing to be billed automatically every four weeks for an order you placed. Autoship is entirely voluntary.
2) Is Autoship the same as Auto Order?
Yes. In some USANA countries, Autoship is known as Auto Order, or APO.
3) Does Autoship automatically mean home delivery with shipping fee?
No. You can choose to pick up your Autoship orders from our Makati office to save on the shipping fee.
4) What are the benefits of enrolling in USANA’s Autoship program? (a) Convenience
(b) A 10% saving from Wholesale price
(c) Products on hand regularly to meet sales requirement that qualifies you for commission.
5) Can a Preferred Customer sign up for Autoship too?
Yes. Preferred customers who are on Autoship enjoy the same 10% savings from Wholesale price too.
6) Is there a minimum value of order before I can go on Autoship?
No. You can go on Autoship for just a bottle of BiOmega, for example.
7) Can I place sales aids on Autoship?
Yes. Popular “auto-shipped” sales aids include DLM (the online “DownLine Management” system), and the Health and Freedom Newspaper.
8) How do I sign up for Autoship?
A new Distributor can sign up immediately by completing the Autoship section on his or her “USANA Philippine Distributor Application” form. Alternatively, you can sign up for Autoship anytime after enrollment. You may enjoy a Php 100 discount on your orders if your Autoship is set up online, instead of through USANA’s service staff.
9) How do I know when my next Autoship is due?
USANA divides the calendar into four-weekly cycles, which are color-coded. Cycle 1 is Red, Cycle 2 is Green, Cycle 3 is Blue and Cycle 4 is Yellow.
If you first set up your Autoship in a Green week, say, your next Autoship will be processed the next Green week. Please refer to the Four-Week Rolling Period Calendar in the Business Tool section of your Business Development System (Starter Kit).
10) Is there a penalty if I change the products I order on Autoship, or cancel my Autoship entirely?
No. You can change or cancel your Autoship without charge up to the Friday before the week it is due. However, after your autoship order has been processed and/or shipped, cancellation or modification will be treated as a product return or exchange, and administrative charges may apply.
11) How do I make changes to my Autoship?
The easiest way is to change your Autoship is to do it online. You may add or delete products you previously ordered, change the delivery address (as long as it is in the Philippines), or the date of your next Autoship by going to and logging in with your USANA ID and password. Remember to save your changes after each session. Autoship managed online can entitle you to a Php 100 discount. Alternatively, you may email or fax your instructions to Distributor Service at the USANA Makati office.
12) If I order products outside of my regular Autoship cycle, do I still enjoy Autoship prices on these “one-off” orders too?
Yes. As long as you remain enrolled in USANA’s Autoship program, all your orders will be charged at Autoship prices.
13) What are Autoships “A” and “B”?
You may set up your autoship with two different sets of products in alternating four-weekly cycles. For example, you can set Essentials and Proflavanol as the Cycle “A” order, and Essentials, BiOmega and Active Calcium as your Cycle “B” order. The system will switch back and forth between Autoship “A’ and “B” every four weeks when your orders are processed. This way, you get your supply of Essentials every four weeks, but the other products once every eight weeks.
14) Can I pay for my Autoship by cash at the USANA office?
No. To participate in Autoship, USANA needs to have a way to automatically charge you for the products once every 4 weeks. The company can only do so through a credit card (VISA or MasterCard), or through the Philippine Payment Service (PPS). For more details of the PPS, see the FAQ section on “Accepted Payment Methods.”
15) Why does USANA recommend me to pay for Autoship using my credit card instead of PPS?
Payment through credit card is quick and accurate. It also saves you a trip to the bank each time a payment falls due.
Moreover, if you pay through PPS, USANA will only process your order and release the products after it receives confirmation from Union Bank of your payment, and that can be the next business day. This also means that the volume points associated with that order will not be awarded until the payment is confirmed received by USANA.
16) If I opt for home delivery on Autoship, when will my credit card be debited, and when will I receive the products?
Your credit card will be debited every four weeks on the Sunday at the start of your color-coded week. Following is the most likely day to receive your products at home: Metro Manila: Wednesday
If you pay by the Philippine Payment Service (PPS), the delivery may be delayed by the period it takes for USANA to receive confirmation of your payment from the bank.
Outside Metro Manila: Thursday
Outer islands: Friday
17) If I opt for self-collection for my Autoship, when can I collect the products, and what documents do I need?
18) Can I collect my downline Distributor’s Autoship on her behalf?
Yes. Please ask her to give you an authorization letter. You may download an authorization form from your USANA website.
19) How do I cancel my Autoship?
You cannot cancel your Autoship online. To do so, please send a fax or email to USANA’s Distributor Service department at USANA’s Makati office. Please let USANA know a few days before your actual Autoship falls due.
20) Why has USANA cancelled my Autoship without my instructions?
The cancellation can result from:
On Returning or Exchanging Products
1) What is USANA’s return policy?
USANA has a comprehensive and generous return policy to protect the interest of consumers and Distributors. Please read Section 7 of the Policies and Procedures in your Starter Kit.
2) Do you charge Distributors a fee for returning or exchanging products?
In general, a 90% refund is made for returns of products. USANA does not charge a fee for product exchange.
3) Can I return products which are close to, or beyond the expiry date?
Products that are three months or closer to expiry are not considered in re-saleable condition, and cannot be accepted. For example, in January 2010, you cannot return or exchange products expiring April 2010 or earlier.
4) Can I return USANA products which I have bought from other countries for refund or exchange?
No. Only products you bought from USANA Philippines can be returned to USANA Philippines. If you have purchased products from USANA Hong Kong, say, you must arrange to return them to the Hong Kong office.
5) How do you define “Excessive Returns” that can lead to my termination as a Distributor?
A cumulative return (for refund) of more than Php 5,000 of products constitutes a voluntary cancellation of your Distributor Agreement. Product exchanges do not count.
6) When and how can I receive my refunds?
If you had paid for the products by credit card, USANA will credit the refund amount to the same credit card you used. If you had paid cash or check, or used the Philippine Payment Service (PPS) through Union Bank, USANA will send you a refund check. All refunds checks are made out in favor of the Main Applicant’s name as stated in the Distributor Application. USANA cannot make out refund checks to your co-Applicant or third parties. The refund process usually takes four to six weeks.
On Receiving Commissions
1) How many Philippine Pesos does 1 Commission Volume Point (CVP) equate to?
Php 48
2) Does this fluctuate weekly with the foreign currency exchange rate?
No. Any change in this exchange rate will be announced by USANA.
3) When and how are my commissions paid?
USANA pays commissions weekly, by directly crediting the bank account you specified in your Distributor Application. Sales close every Friday evening, and the commission you earned for that week should appear in your bank account seven days later (on the following Friday).
4) Can I have my commission deposited into another person’s (say a family member’s) bank account?
No. The name on the bank account must match the name of the Main Applicant for USANA distributorship.
5) Why do I not receive my commission on time?
If you are earning commission for the first time, and do not see it in your bank account, please contact USANA Distributor Service to verify that the Bank Routing Code and Bank Account Numbers have been entered correctly in our system.
Subsequent delays can happen if there is a public holiday in the Philippines, or in the United States during the week, in which case you may only receive your commission the following Monday.
6) Can you send me a commission check instead?
No. USANA Philippines does not issue commission checks. For the purpose of receiving commission, you must have a valid savings or current account with a commercial bank in the Philippines.
7) Do you charge a processing fee for crediting my commission into my bank account?
No. USANA does not charge you for transferring commissions to your bank account. However, your bank may impose a receiving fee for electronic fund transfer that is beyond USANA’s control. You can avoid this fee if the bank account you indicated for receiving commissions is with Banco de Oro, with which USANA has a fee-waiver arrangement.
8) How do I check whether my commission amount is correct?
A Commission Statement will be posted on your USANA website for the weeks you earn a commission. Log in to view. You may request for a printed statement to be sent to your home address. USANA charges a nominal amount of Php 48 for this service and the amount will be automatically deducted from the commission you earn that week.
9) Does USANA deduct or withhold income tax from my commission?
Yes, USANA withholds 10% of your commission for income tax, and issues you a quarterly statement for the amount withheld.
On Re-Entry
1) How do I receive a Re-entry Certificate?
You receive a Re-entry Certificate for each of the first two times you maximize a Business Center. There is no physical “certificate” – it is issued electronically and kept on file in your USANA account until you use it to set up and activate a new Business Center.
2) For how long is a Re-entry Certificate valid? Does it expire?
Re-entry Certificates do not expire.
3) How do I use my Re-entry Certificate to start a new Business Center?
You either fax or email to USANA’s Distributor Service department, or visit its Makati office. Please note clearly the position you want your new Business Center to be placed. To activate the new re-entered Business Centre, you need to place a one-time order or 150 Sales Volume Point or more.
4) I am already keeping a 200-point Autoship every four weeks. Do l need another 150 points to activate my new Business Center?
Yes. A 150-point Sales Volume is required each time you activate a new Business Center, and it is over and above your regular 100-point or 200-point order that qualifies you for commission.
5) Can I place my new Business Center anywhere that I choose?
Your re-entry must be placed in an open position within your own organization. Other than the first two re-entries (i.e., your 004 and 005 Business Centers), all other re-entries must meet an additional condition of being at least 10 active Distributors from another of your own Business Center.
6) How can I know which are the allowable placement positions for my re-entries?
You can track permitted re-entry positions using your Downline Management System (DLM). If you are not subscribing to the DLM, you will have to track manually.
7) I have marked a valid placement position for my re-entry. But now the system does not allow me to do so. Why?
It is likely that one or more of your downline distributors have become inactive since you last checked, making your chosen position invalid.
8) Do I have to be currently on 200-point Personal Sales Volume before I can place a re-entry?
No. But if you are not maintaining 200 PSV on a rolling four-week period, the new Business Center you place will not be active, and will not accumulate any Group Sales Volume.
9) Do Sales Volume points generated under my new Re-entry Business Center still benefit my earlier Business Centers above it?
Yes. Sales Volume (of up to 5,000 points a week) benefits all Business Centers above placed above it.
On Annual Renewal
1) Do I have to pay an annual renewal fee?
Distributors pay a Php 940 renewal fee on the anniversary month of their enrollment. There is no fee for Preferred Customers.
2) How do I pay my renewal fee?
USANA will charge it automatically to your credit card on its record. If you do not have a credit card on record, you can arrange to pay the renewal fee at the Makati office, or by using the Philippine Payment Service (PPS). If you do not wish to renew your Distributorship, please write in to cancel your Distributorship the month before.
3) What happens if I fail to renew my Distributorship?
Your Distributorship will be terminated, and if you choose to rejoin USANA at a later date, subject to compliance with USANA’s policies, you will have to start a new Distributorship anew anew. You can no longer re-activate your old Business Center(s).
On USANA Products
1) Are USANA’s products approved and licensed by the Philippine Bureau of Food and Drug (BFAD)??
USANA has submitted all its products for review and approval by the Philippine Bureau of Food and Drug (BFAD).
2) What are the PDR and MIMS that USANA products are listed on?
The Physicians’ Desk Reference (PDR) and the Master Index of Medical Specialities (MIMS) are the most widely recognized compilations of prescribing information used by doctors in USA and the Asian region respectively.
3) Are USANA products listed on the Philippine edition of the Master Index of Medical Specialitites (MIMS) too?
USANA expects many of its products to be listed in the Philippine MIMS by the second half of 2009.
4) Are USANA products sold in the Philippine certified “Halal” for Muslims?
5) Are USANA nutritional products suitable for vegetarians and vegans?
Not all of them. While USANA makes every effort to avoid using ingredients that contain animal products or by-products, it has not been possible to eliminate such ingredients entirely. Small amounts of gelatin are added by raw material suppliers of lycopene, and Vitamin D used in some of our tablets to ensure long term stability.
[Note: Any tablet containing carotenoids or Vitamin D will likely contain gelatin beadlets. If they do not, the long-term stability of these ingredients could be a problem.]
The gelatin used for the CoQuinone and BiOmega gelcaps is derived from beef. Here is a complete run-down:
6) As some ingredients are derived from beef, is there a danger of contracting mad-cow disease?
The gelatin used in all USANA’s products is certified to be from BSE-free (Bovine Spongioform Encephelopathy) sources.
7) Why does USANA not use vegetable-derived gelatin capsules?
These capsules are very brittle and difficult to fill. They crack easily and have very poor shelf-life. Available technology for vegetable-derived gel-caps does not yet meet the standard of quality and stability that USANA insists for its products.
8) What binders are used in USANA tablets?
The binders (which are used to hold the ingredients together in the form of a tablet) are derived from plant fibers.
9) Who do I ask if I have specific questions on USANA products that my upline distributors cannot answer?
USANA’s “Ask the Scientist”, available online at, provides a channel for you to find out answers to more technical questions on USANA’s products.
10) Will products like the USANIMALS food supplement, Nutrimeal drink mix, Sensé skin care products, etc., be available in the Philippines soon?
Whether, and how soon, new products become available often depends on factors like the expected market for the product, results of market survey, taste tests, and approval by the local authorities. Therefore, USANA is unable to give a firm time-table of new product introductions.
11) Are the USANA products sold in the Philippines identical to those sold in other USANA markets (e.g. Singapore)?
Not all of them. As in all markets, USANA will, where necessary, make adjustments to its product formulas, labels or names, to meet local regulatory requirements.
12) Why do the Philippine Essentials not come in a box, like in other markets?
USANA is committed to protecting the environment and reducing the use of packaging.
13) Why is the recommended daily dosage for some products lower than those in the United States, and in other USANA markets?
In order to meet the local upper limits on a number of nutrients, USANA has to lower the recommended daily dosages of some nutritional products in order to maintain the original U.S. formulations. As almost all USANA products sold in the Philippines are identical in formulation to the corresponding products sold in the U.S., they are safe for consumption at either of the two recommended daily dosages.
On Income Maximizer and Downline Management
1) What is the Income Maximizer (IM)?
The Income Maximizer is a bundle of 3 advanced facilities provided online to help you develop your USANA business.
They are:(a) The Downline Management System (DLM)
Together, they cost Php 990 for 4 weeks.
(b) Web-hosting
(c) A 5 Megabyte Web-mail
2) How do I get access to Income Maximizer?
You simply add Income Maximizer to your Autoship as an additional item. Income Maximizer does not come with volume points.
3) Do I need to subscribe to Income Maximizer to gain access to USANA online?
No. Many of USANA’s basic online facilities are free. For example, you can check your group sales volume and Autoship status online, place orders online and change your Autoship online without paying a fee. All you need is your USANA ID and password.
4) How do I get my USANA password?
You can specify your own password during online enrollment, or when the first time you access the Associate Login link at Just click on the “First time logging in” link at the bottom of the password box.
5) I have just subscribed to the Income Maximizer, why am I still not able to access it?
Access to the service is updated once every 24 hours. You should get access the next day.
6) Can I subscribe only to the Downline Management (DLM) facilities within the Income Maximizer?
Yes. It costs only Php 750 for 4 weeks without web-hosting and webmail. To subscribe to DLM only, add the item to your Autoship.
7) Do I get the DLM free for a trial period?
Distributors who purchase a 3-BC Pack on enrollment may receive a limited-period of free DLM access. Check the price list for details.
8) How do I learn more about the DLM?
There is a DLM tutorial available online.
On Training and Support (Office Training Schedule)
1) Does the company provide distributors with training? If so, what kind of training and when?
While the responsibility of training lies primarily with your sponsor and upline leaders, USANA Philippines hosts various meetings during the week to help new distributors. You can find a schedule of upcoming events by logging into your usanatoday website..
2) What is the “Health and Freedom” Guest Event?
This is the basic introduction to USANA and its business opportunity. If you are new to USANA and are not yet familiar enough to explain the business opportunity to your prospects, you can invite them to attend this event as guests. Topics covered include the reality of our economic situation, why we need to earn leveraged, residual income, why we all need health supplements, the USANA difference, and how our compensation plan works.
3) What is the “Take Charge of Your Health” Guest Event?
This talk explains the importance of nutritional supplementation, and introduces your guests to the products USANA sell in the Philippines. Topics covered include the role nutrition plays in the health of your cells, the reason for supplementation, and ways to select a good nutritional supplement.
4) What is the “Get Started Today” Workshop?
This covers basic steps a new distributor should take in order to become a Platinum PaceSetter. If you are new to network marketing, this workshop will be useful in helping you plan and organize your activities for the first six weeks of your USANA distributorship.
5) What is the “Platinum Saturday” training?
The Platinum Saturday is a three-hour intensive session that provides new distributors with attitudes, skills and knowledge they need to be successful in USANA long term. Topics covered include an introduction to the Business Development System (BDS), methods of handling objections, and ways to analyze compensation plans.
6) How do I participate in these training sessions?
Just turn up early. Most admissions are on a first-come-first-served basis. Certain sessions that require tickets for entry will be marked so on USANA’s Activity Schedule. Health and Freedom Guest Events are always free.
7) Can non-distributors or Preferred Customers attend?
Yes. The Health and Freedom Guest event and the Take Charge of Your Health talk, in particular, are designed for distributors to invite their guests.
On USANA, the Company
1) Has USANA obtained a Direct Selling License to operate in the Philippines?
The Philippine government does not require the licensing of Direct Selling companies. USANA has registered with the Philippine Security and Exchange Commission (SEC), as well as the Philippine Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), and has met the conditions for operating in the country. USANA’s policies, procedures and compensation plan have been reviewed by legal counsel, and conform to relevant Philippine laws for ethical business practices and consumer protection..
2) Is USANA a member of the Direct Selling Association of the Phlippines (DSAP)?
USANA must first begin active operations in the Philippines before we can apply for membership in the DSAP. The company anticipates applying for membership with the DSAP as soon as possible after starting operations in the Philippines.
On PaceSetters
1) What is the PaceSetter program?
As the name suggests, the program rewards new Distributors who set the early pace in their USANA business. You qualify as a PaceSetter (or better still, a Platinum PaceSetter) by meeting set criteria within six weeks of your enrollment. Every new Distributor gets a one-time opportunity to achieve this status.
2) How do I become a PaceSetter / a Platinum PaceSetter?
3) When does my six weeks start – when I submit my USANA application, or when I activate my first Business Center?
Your six weeks start the day you submit your USANA Distributor Application online, or to our office in Manila.
4) How do Distributors I sponsor stay active for eight consecutive weeks?
Starting the week their Business Centers are activated, their individual Personal Volume must remain 100 points or more on a rolling basis for eight weeks. One way to meet this condition is for each of the four to activate with 150 points or more, and then ensure that their first autoship orders four weeks hence are at least 100 points each. Your Platinum PaceSetter status is finalized when the last of the four Distributors you sponsor completes his or her eighth week.
5) Will my Platinum PaceSetter status be affected if one or more of the four Distributors I sponsor return products for refunds?
If the returned amounts result in their Business Centers becoming inactive, USANA can revoke your Platinum PaceSetter status.
6) What are the benefits of becoming a Pacesetter / a Platinum PaceSetter?
* See separate FAQ section for details on Matching Bonus
7) How does my PaceSetter Free-BDS privilege work?
During your two weeks of free BDS, all new Distributors you sponsor who activate at least one Business Center will receive their BDS (or Starter Kit) free. They save Php 990.
8) Is there a limit to the number of people I can enroll with free BDS during my two weeks of Free-BDS privilege as a PaceSetter?
No. You may sponsor as many people as you wish, without them paying for the BDS during this period. The only proviso is that they activate at least one Business Center upon enrollment.
9) When does my PaceSetter Free-BDS privilege start?
It begins on Monday the week after the second Distributor you sponsored activates his or her Business Center(s).
10) If I enroll my first three Distributors in Week 2 of my enrollment, and they all activate their Business Centers, will the third one to enroll receive a free BDS?
No. Your free-BDS privilege starts Monday of the following week.
11) Don’t I have to finalize my Platinum PaceSetter status before I am entitled to the Free-BDS privilege?
No, you are entitled to the Free-BDS privilege when you qualify as a PaceSetter (privilege lasts two weeks) or a Platinum PaceSetter (privilege lasts four weeks).
12) If I help two Distributors activate their Business Centers in Week 2 of my enrollment, can I use my Free-BDS privilege in Weeks 3 and 4 to enroll my next two Distributors, so I can move up to ‘Platinum’?
Yes. And once you qualify as a Platinum PaceSetter, you will receive an additional two weeks of Free-BDS privilege, to make up your total entitlement of four weeks.
13) Do I earn 100% Matching Bonus when I qualify for my Platinum PaceSetter status, or will I need to wait until my status is finalized?
You do earn Matching Bonus from the start, but the amount you earn before you finalize your status is “banked”, or kept, by USANA until your finalization, whereupon the accumulated amount will be paid to you. [More on the Matching Bonus can be found in a separate FAQ section.]
On Matching Bonus
1) Why did USANA introduce this bonus?
Matching Bonus rewards all Distributors for helping people they sponsor get off to a fast start—a critical success factor in network marketing. As an added bonus, Distributors can start earning commissions without necessarily balancing two legs.
2) Will I earn a Matching Bonus only from Distributors I sponsor who become Platinum PaceSetters* ?
Yes. Distributors you sponsor must become Platinum PaceSetters in order for you to match their commissions.
* Questions on the PaceSetter program are answered in a separate FAQ section
3) If I sponsor three Distributors who all become Platinum PaceSetters, will I earn a Matching Bonus from all three at the same time?
Yes. For example, if all three are earning 1,000 CVP in a week, then you will receive 3,000 CVP on top of your own commission if you are a Platinum PaceSetter yourself.
4) Will I earn a Matching Bonus even if I am not myself a Platinum PaceSetter?
Yes. You can be a PaceSetter and earn a 50 percent match or you could be neither a PaceSetter nor Platinum PaceSetter and earn a 25 percent match. However, if you are a Platinum PaceSetter, you will earn a 100 percent Matching Bonus.
5) When a Platinum PaceSetter I sponsor earns a Matching Bonus, do I get to match her Matching Bonus?
No. You only match the weekly commission (CVP) of a Platinum PaceSetter you sponsor, not other components of her USANA earnings, such as Leadership Bonus, contest winnings, etc.
6) When do I start matching the CVP of Platinum PaceSetters I sponsor?
Matching Bonus starts to bank from the week the Distributor you sponsor (who later becomes a Platinum PaceSetter) enrolls.
7) A friend I sponsored has just qualified as a Platinum PaceSetter, and he earns 100 CVP this week. Why don’t I see the matching amount in my commission?
You will receive the matching payment after he finalizes his Platinum PaceSetter status. USANA banks all the commissions he earns in the weeks before finalization and pays you in one lump sum upon his finalization as a Platinum PaceSetter. Thereafter, you will receive the Matching Bonus weekly.
8) How do I track how much Matching Bonus I have banked?
The Message Center on the USANAtoday Web site lists the total amount of Matching Bonus or potential Matching Bonus banked. You may also access the Matching Bonus Bank Report in DLM.
9) Do I need to subscribe to DLM (Downline Management System) to view this information?
No. Your total earned and potential banked amounts will be posted on the USANAtoday home page with a link to a report that breaks those amounts down by individual Distributors you have sponsored. However, a DLM subscriber will get more details, including a week-by-week banked amounts report as well as the contact information for those Distributors.
10) What if my new, personally sponsored Distributor qualifies as a Platinum PaceSetter but fails to finalize his status?
You only earn a Matching Bonus from finalized Platinum PaceSetters-so any banked amount will be lost. Therefore, it is important to work closely with new Distributors you sponsor to encourage them to finalize.
11) I earned a 25 CVP Matching Bonus. Why wasn’t it paid to me?
When your total earnings for a week are under 40 CVP, USANA banks that total and pays it as a lump sum with your next commission check (as is the case with all commissions earned).
12) Do I have to be commission-qualified to earn a Matching Bonus?
Yes. To earn a Matching Bonus, your Business Center must be active, i.e., you must generate at least 100 PSV every four weeks.
13) My banked Matching Bonus amount from last week has disappeared. What happened?
It may be due to one of the following reasons:
14) Can I recover my “lost” Matching Bonus by re-activating my Business Center?
No. However, by becoming commission-eligible and re-activating your Business Center, you will again be eligible to immediately start earning and accumulating Matching Bonus.
15) The Distributor I sponsored finalized her Platinum PaceSetter status BEFORE I did. Do I still earn a 100 percent match of her commission?
Yes, as soon as you also finalize your Platinum status. In such cases, your Matching Bonus will be banked until your final status is confirmed.
16) I am at the rank of a Builder. I receive a Matching Bonus check of 600 CVP because a Platinum Pacesetter I sponsored has just earned her first Director check. Does that advance my rank to a Director too?
No. What you receive by matching another Distributor’s commission does not affect your rank
17) My very first check from USANA is a matching bonus check of 100 CVP. Will I still be eligible to a 40-CVP commission at the Sharer level?
Yes. Since the 100-CVP check does not advance your rank to a Believer, you will still be entitled to earn your Sharer check of 40 CVP.
On Finalizing Pre-enrollment
1) What is pre-enrollment, and how can I pre-enroll as a USANA Philippine Distributor?
Pre-enrollment is now closed. Before USANA opened its office in the Philippines, a pre-enrollment process allowed potential Distributors to be placed in the downline organizations of their sponsors in preparation of USANA’s opening. Now that USANA Philippines is open for business, you should enroll directly as a USANA Distributor without going through pre-enrollment.
2) I have pre-enrolled as a potential Distributor. When and how should I finalize my USANA Distributorship?
You should finalize your USANA Distributorship on or before February 14, 2009. If you fail to do so, you will lose your position in your sponsor’s organization, and any downline Distributors who have been placed under that position.
Finalization includes completing your Distributor Application, agreeing to the Policies and Procedures of a Distributorship, and purchasing the Business Development System (BDS). To do so, follow the instructions on an email that has been sent to all pre-enrolled potential Distributors. (Click here for a copy of the email if you have not received one.)
3) Do I have to activate my Business Center by February 14 in order to keep my pre-enrolled position?
No, but to start accumulating downline volume points and earn commission, your Business Center must be active.
4) If I missed the February 14 deadline, can I still enroll as a USANA Distributor?
Yes, you may start a new USANA Distributor application, but subject to the following conditions: (a) You may re-apply at any time if your sponsor remains the same person you pre-enrolled with, but you will be placed in an open position at the bottom of your sponsor’s organization. In other words, you may not re-enroll in your original pre-enrolled position. (b) If you are applying with a different sponsor, you will have to wait two months from the February 14 deadline, or two months from the date you cancel your pre-enrollment application, whichever is earlier, before you can re-apply to become a USANA Distributor.
5) If I choose not to wait two months, can I have a member of my family or a friend to enroll as a Distributor with a different sponsor, and then work the new Distributorship instead?
Any attempt to circumvent the two-month waiting period violates USANA’s policy which is intended to protect the original sponsor, and subjects the new Distributorship belonging to your family member or your friend to cancellation by USANA.
6) When is the last day for me, as a pre-enrolled potential Distributor, to activate three Business Centers?
Friday, March 13, 2009. USANA has temporarily allocated three Business Centers to everyone who pre-enrolled. However, you must accumulate at least 450 Personal Sales Volume points by the March-13 deadline to activate those three Business Centers. If you fail to do so, your BC-002 and BC-003 will be cancelled.
7) What happens if I have placed other pre-enrolled potential Distributors under my 002 and 003 Business Centers, but now choose to activate only one Business Center?
Your downline Distributors will remain in their respective positions, but you will not be paid commission on your second and third Business Centers, even if you subsequently produce 200 PSV every rolling four week.
8) I wish to start a new Business Center using a Re-Entry Certificate. Can I place it ten or more levels from an existing Business Center if those levels are occupied by pre-enrolled potential Distributors?
Yes, but only if you are sure those pre-enrolled prospects will activate their Business Centers and become Distributors by February 14, 2009. If they fail to do so, you will not be able to activate your new Business Center and will have to choose a new position in your downline organization.
9) When is the last day for me, as a pre-enrolled potential Distributor, to qualify as a PaceSetter or a Platinum PaceSetter?
Friday, March 13, 2009. At least two Distributors you sponsor must have activated at least one Business Center by the deadline to qualify you as a PaceSetter (or four Distributors in the case of a Platinum PaceSetter).

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